How one man outscored an entire F1 team: The Andy Stevenson saga

In a revelation that has sent shockwaves through the Formula 1 community, it emerges that Aston Martin’s team sporting director, Andy Stevenson, has managed to secure more points for his team this year than the entire AlphaTauri outfit. The credit? Stevenson’s incredible experience and knack for dealing with the FIA.


Stevenson, aged 55, is not just another figure in the paddock; he’s a stalwart of the Silverstone-based squad. His journey with the team began in its early days as Jordan in the 1990s. He rose through the ranks to clinch the position of chief mechanic, and then transitioned into his significant role as the sporting director in 2005.

This season, Stevenson’s astute FIA dealings have been evident more than ever. He meticulously compiled successful protests to overturn Fernando Alonso’s pitstop penalty during the Saudi Arabia Grand Prix and sought changes to the Austrian Grand Prix race results amidst the staggering 1200-plus track-limits offences. His efforts rewarded Alonso and the team with additional points, elevating the driver to third in Jeddah and fifth in Austria. This translated to five crucial points for Aston Martin. In a shocking contrast, AlphaTauri, 14 rounds into the season, finds themselves at the tail end of the constructors’ championship with just three points.

Mike Krack, the boss of Aston Martin Formula 1, has been effusive in his praise of Stevenson, especially when the latter’s achievements were juxtaposed with AlphaTauri’s struggles. Krack remarked, “I saw that. You need people like Andy. His memory of past incidents and associated penalties is unparalleled. This kind of experience is invaluable. While we have a systematic approach at home, it’s Andy’s impulse that often guides us.”

Stevenson’s depth of knowledge was on full display in Saudi Arabia. He pointed out seven prior instances where teams escaped penalties despite jacks touching their cars during pitstops. Leveraging these precedents, he persuaded the stewards to annul a 10-second race penalty initially slapped on Alonso for a similar violation.

Krack further elaborated on the importance of being prepared, saying, “Teams must be vigilant and ready to act swiftly, especially given the tight timeframes involved in launching protests. It’s all about using past experiences and information effectively. If you’re caught unawares, you’re already behind. At Aston Martin, while we have extensive mission control at our base, the process starts with identifying if we have past precedents for an issue. Then, rapidly sourcing and presenting them becomes the key. It’s simpler than most would think.”

In a sport where split seconds make all the difference, Stevenson’s experience stands as a testament to the importance of knowledge, preparation, and swift action.