Charles Leclerc (

A Passion Ignited in Youth

For Charles Leclerc, the allure of the red car has been a constant since his early years. From a young age, he found himself drawn to Ferrari, captivated by its rich history and racing legacy. It wasn’t just about supporting a team; it was about a deep and abiding connection to the Prancing Horse.

Ferrari’s Role in Leclerc’s Journey

Leclerc acknowledges that his journey to Formula 1 would not have been possible without the pivotal role played by Ferrari. He recognizes the support he received from Ferrari, coupled with the guidance of his manager, Nicolas Todt. It was this collaborative effort that paved the way for his Formula 1 debut.

The Unique Essence of Ferrari

Beyond the racing, beyond the victories, Ferrari holds a unique place in the hearts of those associated with it. Leclerc describes the experience of visiting the Ferrari factory, interacting with the passionate people behind the scenes, and sensing something truly special in the air. It’s more than just a team; it’s an institution fueled by unwavering passion.

Facing Challenges Together

The 2023 Formula 1 season has presented its fair share of challenges for Ferrari, with both Leclerc and his teammate Carlos Sainz struggling to tame the unpredictability of the 2023 charger. Leclerc acknowledges the team’s initial struggles with issues like wind sensitivity. He highlights the complexities of Formula 1, where conditions can vary dramatically from one session to the next, making car setup a formidable challenge.

Belief in the Project

Despite the challenges, Leclerc’s faith in Ferrari’s project remains unshaken. He believes that when a point comes where he no longer believes in the project, it would be the right time to move on. But that moment hasn’t arrived. With the arrival of team boss Frederic Vasseur, Leclerc feels more confident in the direction the team is heading. He remains committed to the vision and is determined to help Ferrari reclaim its glory.

Charles Leclerc’s journey with Ferrari is more than just a racing career; it’s a lifelong connection to a dream, a passion, and a belief in the enduring legacy of the Prancing Horse.