Apple Electric Car (Project Titan) Reportedly Delayed to 2028, Scaling Back Autonomous Driving Ambitions

Watered-Down Apple Car (

Cupertino-Based Tech Giant Faces Setback as Launch Target Shifts Amidst Autonomous Driving Adjustments

In a recent report by Bloomberg, sources within Apple revealed that the development of the highly anticipated Apple Electric Car, known as Project Titan, has encountered a delay. Initially targeting a release in 2026, the electric vehicle’s launch is now postponed to 2028, marking a significant setback for the Cupertino-based tech giant.

The report did not disclose the specific reasons behind the delay, but insiders emphasized that the car is now expected to debut “at the earliest” in 2028. This delay is seen as a critical juncture for the Apple EV, characterizing it as a “make-or-break point,” suggesting that its introduction within this decade is imperative for the project’s viability.

One notable adjustment mentioned in the report is a scaling back of autonomous driving capabilities. Initially aspiring for SAE Level 5 autonomy, which entails self-driving capabilities in all conditions without the need for a steering wheel and pedals, the Apple EV is said to revise its target to SAE Level 2+. SAE Level 2+ encompasses advanced driver assistance systems, including features like adaptive cruise control, lane centering, and autonomous braking, requiring the driver to maintain hands on the steering wheel.

This strategic shift aligns the Apple EV with current technology seen in some modern vehicles, such as Tesla’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) technology, which operates at SAE Level 2. Notably, Level 4 autonomy, allowing for autonomous driving in specific conditions, has yet to be fully realized by any automaker.

The Bloomberg report reinforced previous speculations regarding the Apple EV’s pricing, indicating that the electric car is expected to be positioned in the luxury segment with a price tag exceeding $100,000. This places the Apple EV in direct competition with premium electric vehicles like the Tesla Model S Plaid and the Mercedes-Benz EQS.

Despite the setback, Apple’s established reputation for high-end products has historically defied pricing concerns, with products like the iPhone commanding a premium in the market. However, the delayed launch and adjustments in autonomous driving capabilities raise questions about the Apple EV’s eventual market positioning and competitive edge.

As the automotive industry eagerly awaits the Apple EV, the report suggests that the next four years will be crucial for Apple’s foray into electric vehicles, determining whether the highly anticipated project will materialize into a groundbreaking product or face potential challenges that could impact its future in the automotive market.